As a coding exercise and my first dip into Angular JS I thought I’d make a grade calculator to help me estimate grades. I hope it helps anyone interested in estimating your grades needed to pass a course.
One Tree Island – April 2019 Music: A Walk in the Woods – Martin O’Donnell & Micheal Salvatori
Went to One Tree Island Reef, a small coral cay in the southern portion of the Great Barrier Reef to study habitat preferences of fish on corals. It’s a beautiful ecosystem that I believe everyone should get to see in their lifetime. Definitely a place worth protecting and the reason why people should care about anthropogenic climate change.
This sly laughing kookaburra was putting on a show and didn’t seem like he minded the media attention. Found him at the University of Sydney’s Crommlin Research facility in Pearl Beach.
California Mountain King Snake (Lampropeltis zonata)
Hey check out this gorgeous California Mountain King Snake I found making its way through the leaf-litter. King snakes are patterned this way to warn predators that they are venomous. Little do predators know that this snake is non-venomous and is just imitating the patterns of coral snakes which are actually venomous.
Just remember:
Red touches black, you’re OK Jack. Red touches yellow, you’re a dead fellow…